Nandropid - 150

Nandropid - 150 (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate)

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) is a testosterone derived anabolic androgenic steroid. NPP is a 19-nor steroid due to a modification of one atom. Compared with dihydrotestosterone, NPP has less androgenic activity while having more anabolic activity than unmodified testosterone.

NPP was originally developed to treat osteoporosis and breast cancer in women but thanks to its powerful anabolic effects and relatively weaker androgenic effects compared with many other steroids, it is a popular choice for bodybuilders and performance athletes who wish to avoid dealing with more severe estrogenic and other side effects.

  • Chemical Name: (17β)-3-Oxoestr-4-en-17-yl 3-phenylpropanoate
  • Molecular Weight: 406.57 g/mol
  • Formula: C27H34O3
  • Anabolic Rating: 125
  • Androgenic Rating: 37
  • Dosage Men : 200-700mgs/week
  • Dosage Women : 50-150mgs/week
  • Active Half-Life : 2-3 days
  • Detection Time : Up to 12 months
  • Hepatotoxicity : Low


Nandrolone is well known for its many positive benefits and effects when used for performance enhancement purposes. You’ll also find that this compound comes with some excellent therapeutic effects as well, making NPP a quality all round steroid that will suit a range of users and goals.

Here are the main benefits and effects that you can expect with NPP:

  • Mass building – NPP is an excellent mass builder and many guys will include this steroid in every bulking cycle. Putting on quality muscle at a steady pace is a highly desirable benefit of NPP. This is not a compound that works super fast to help you gain mass quickly, but if you’re after both high quality and high quantity muscle gains, then NPP delivers.
  • Recovery – NPP has excellent therapeutic benefits for the joints in particular, and this is going to provide a significant boost to your recovery process. Expect to recover faster and be able to hit the gym for your next workout sooner, with greatly reduced muscle and joint soreness.
  • Lean muscle preservation – NPP has superb metabolic properties and this will make it more efficient for you to maintain lean gains during the off season. Additionally, if used in a cutting cycle then NPP helps conserve your muscle mass while you work on losing fat. Again, this is thanks to the high metabolic properties of Nandrolone. While NPP is not commonly used as a cutting steroid as often as it’s used for bulking, it can provide a highly beneficial role in a cutting cycle for any user who understands its functions and benefits.
  • Strength – Some users may see some increase in strength, however NPP is not particularly known for its ability to significantly boost strength to a noticeable level. When stacking with NPP with other steroids, it is likely to be other compounds that take care of your strength boost as this is not an area that Nandrolone excels in.

Nandrolone can be used for bulking or mass building, cutting, as well as for general athletic purposes. This makes it a highly diverse steroid that is often stacked with other compounds where it can contribute to more specific goals.