Primobolon-150 (Methenolone Enanthate)
Primobolon-150 (Methenolone Enanthate) is an exceptionally popular steroid used in bodybuilding cutting cycles. It is anti-catabolic and someone remarkably, considerably anabolic. It is well recognized for having a negligible risk of side effects. The user of PRIMBOL will not experience water retention or aromatisation, making this an ideal steroid for individuals who may be sensitive to estrogen Chemical Name: 17beta-Hydroxy-2alpha-methyl-5alpha-androstan-3-one propionate.
What makes Primobolon a unique steroid is that there is no other steroid quite like this one! It’s an outstanding option for beginners because of its numerous advantages and due to its individual traits it is the safest steroid to start with. It promotes steady and lasting results and is an impressive muscle builder and preserver!
Methenolone Enanthate
Methenolone (also known as primobolan) was described in 1960. Squibb Company began producing injectable drug in 1962. Methenolone originally was prescribed in case of muscle loss after operations, infections, long-term illnesses, aggressive therapy with corticoids or malnutrition, and in some cases it was used to treat osteoporosis and breast cancer. Methenolone was commonly used to promote weight gain in infants, weighing less than normal, without any side effects. Methenolone is an anabolic steroid, modification of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) with weak androgenic activity and a moderate anabolic effect.
A notable trait of methenolone is that it can firmly bind to androgen receptors, stronger than testosterone. This trait makes primobolan to be a good fat burner.
Primobolan does not convert into estradiol; thereby you can take it without the risk of developing estrogenic side effects (gynecomastia, water retention).
Methenolone is one of most safe steroids on the market, hence women, elderly athletes and youth often find this steroid the best one to improve their physique and avoid side effects.
Overall, methenolone being one of the safest anabolic steroids available on the market is at the same time a rather weak compound and needs time to show affects at its best. Results of primobolan will be seen, if the drug is used at least 10 weeks and in stack with other steroids. Primobolan is well suited for cutting cycles when a mass gain is not the main goal.