
Oxybolon – 50 (Oxymethelone)

Oxymetholone (also known as anapolon or anadrol) is a very drastic synthetic steroid, 17-alpha-alkylated modification of dihydrotestosterone. It was developed for the treatment of osteoporosis and anaemia, as well as to stimulate muscle gain in malnourished and debilitated patients. Oxymetholone has been approved by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in humans. Later there where created non-steroidal drugs that effectively could treat anaemia and osteoporosis; because of this anapolon lost his popularity and by 1993 Syntex decided to cease the production of the drug, as well as other manufacturers did. 

By its performance parameters oxymetholone is most similar to methandienone.  As with methandienone, it provokes not only active muscle bulking, but also a significant increase in power performance. However, a large part of the gained weight is because of water retention in the body, which can lead to high blood pressure on cycle. 

Thanks to its ability to influence the level of hemoglobin and to increase the blood volume in the body, oxymetholone may cause an extremely strong pumping effect by athletes, which consequently complicates the training process, because muscles get sore almost immediately after the first heavy set. 

Oxymetholone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, which gives it a chemical structure that does not aromatize. Despite the fact that oxymetholone does not directly convert to estradiol, it itself has pronounced estrogenic properties. It should be remembered that because of this peculiarity only antiestrogens would be able to combat with estrogenic side effects, but not aromatase inhibitors, because aromatase is not involved into the process. 

Some suggest that oxymetholone`s estrogenic activity relates to the progestogenic one, like with nandrolones. Side effects may be similar. However, medical studies have shown that oxymetholone does not possess any progestogenic activity. 


  • Chemical Name: 17α-Methyl-2-hydroxymethylene-17β-hydroxy-[5α]-androstan-3-one
  • Molecular Weight: 332.484 g/mol
  • Formula: C21H32O3
  • Anabolic Rating: 320
  • Androgenic Rating: 45-50
  • Dosage Men : 50 - 100mg/Day
  • Dosage Women : 25 - 50mg/Day
  • Active Half-Life : 8 hours
  • Detection Time : 8 weeks
  • Hepatotoxicity : Yes


Oxymethelone works hard to deliver amazing results.  The supporting benefits you can expect from this steroids are the following:
An increase in red blood cell production. If the level is low, the body has to work harder to deliver the oxygen. It also Improve the oxygen circulation whch helps to produce mass gain.

As this steroid is designed to treat weight deficiency and maintain lean muscle mass, it has been used successfully to treat HIV patients from the muscle wasting effects of the disease.  As it also increases red blood cell production, it has also been beneficial to combat the effect of impaired blood cell production in bone marrow due to HIV as well as a host of other anemia related conditions.

Injury protection : Due to Anadrol causing the body to retain some water, the muscle will appear fuller and contract better. 

This gives an extra level of protection the connective tissues and allows more elasticity.